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The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776

× 糖业法案 印花税法案 The Formation of the Sons of Liberty 汤森法案 Non-consumption and Non-importation 波士顿大屠杀 The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence 波士顿倾茶事件 强制行为 The First Continental Congress 列克星敦和康科德 The Second Continental Congress The Battle of Bunker Hill Washington Takes Command of the Continental Army Declarations of Independence

The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence


Throughout the 1760s and 1770s, Americans engage in colonial politics in a variety of ways. Newspapers report and comment upon the proceedings of local town meetings, 殖民地立法机关, 和议会. 小册子s and broadsides rail against unpopular government policies, while community groups such as the Sons of Liberty plot resistance strategies and organize public protest events. 相信 无知是奴役, patriot leaders in Boston continually experiment with new forms of political instruction, hoping to encourage residents to become active, or at least more informed colonial citizens.

在1772年秋天, Bostonians address the latest rumors from Parliament: judges of the Superior Court of Judicature will no longer be paid by the colony's General Court. 而不是, judges will be paid directly from the royal treasury, using money collected by the American Board of Customs Commissioners. Fearing this new process will "pervert the judgment of men," Bostonians petition their selectmen to act. In the process of debating the matter, Samuel Adams proposes the creation of a corresponding society to gauge the sentiments of other Massachusetts towns. 1772年11月2日, 委员会就此诞生 when the Boston selectmen vote to establish a twenty-one-member Committee of Correspondence.

The Committee's first assignment is to prepare a series of reports outlining colonists' 权利 和议会's infringements upon those 权利. The reports are gathered into a single document that becomes known as 波士顿小册子. Copies of the pamphlet are distributed to every town in Massachusetts, and town leaders across the colony debate the wisdom of following 追随波士顿的脚步.

Many towns do eventually appoint their own committees of correspondence, a development that troubles governor Thomas Hutchinson. As advocates of the committee system boast that Bostonians (and their committee) will prove to be the “美国的救世主”, Hutchinson and his opponents take every opportunity to disparage the town's Committee of Correspondence.

More positive news arrives from the "patriotic province of Virginia" 1773年春天. The House of Burgesses proposes some enhancements to Boston's committee of correspondence idea. In response to Virginia's proposal, Massachusetts creates a colony-level committee of correspondence chaired by Samuel Adams. 自由的修辞, 权利, and liberty bandied about by politicians is soon adopted by other colonists struggling with issues of slavery. In one poignant broadside, four slaves petition the Massachusetts General Court, hoping that the "divine spirit of freedom" will extend to the thousands of men and women literally enslaved in the colonies.

By the summer of 1773, the committees of correspondence have yet another issue to debate and discuss. 5月, Parliament passes the Tea Act, giving the East India Company a monopoly over the sale of tea in the colonies. Committees are quick to share their thoughts on this “即将来临的邪恶。” but will their vitriol be enough to stop the tea from coming?


"Town Meeting, the Hall so full they adjournd to the Old South Meeting - the Debates were for & against the Committee of Correspondence very warm on both sides, it lasted all day & adjournd until tomorrow 10 of Clock."


Read more of John Rowe's diary

Funding from the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati supported enhancements to this website.

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