adams-john10 尼尔·米利根选举, 1824年总统宗教

25. 七: 在浴室里做礼拜,聆听 Mr 帕尔弗里从马太福音二十二章开始讲道.29. 耶稣回答说。 said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God”— The error of misunderst和ing, 和 misinterpreting the Scriptures, is a fruitful topic 为 a sectarian preacher, but it is a weapon equally 可供所有人使用的. 由M表示的误差r 帕尔弗雷,只有那些他 自己没有信仰. 做完礼拜后,我拜访了 Mr 福赛斯. 霍普金森 和我们一起吃饭, 和 according to his engagement came 和 sat with me an hour be为e dinner— The object of his seeking this conversation with me was the next 总统选举. 他让我明白,他是有意的 consider me as a C和idate 为 that occasion— That others were of similar disposition; but that it was necessary there should be a concert 和 underst和ing between them, as there already was 和 long had been 在…的党派之间 Mr 克劳福德-他说 extent 和 activity 的ir intrigues was incredible, 和 unless systematically counteracted, would infallibly be successful— I told Mr 霍普金森,我很清楚 M所做的努力r 克劳福德自己 和他的朋友们来确保总统职位 534在下次选举中. 还有其他人 努力不减热情和毅力 Mr. 克林顿 纽约——还有一个不那么明显的第三方 now, 和 the struggle of which was eventual; to depend upon the issue of 克林顿和克林顿之间的冲突正在该州肆虐 汤普金斯. 国家现在就在附近 equally divided; 和 as there is no marked difference of principle to contend 为, they are squabbling 为 men— If either party should obtain over the other such an ascendancy as would carry a large majority 的 State, its leader would be the C和idate of New-York, 为 the 总统. The only question between them will be; which shall be the man— New-York, at any rate will have a C和idate of her own, 和 if both these rivals should be out 的 way, she would sooner take up Mr,比 resort to any other State— The politics of Pennsylvania, will be greatly influenced by those of New-York— She too is a divided State, but the scuffle 为 her 州长 is between men neither of whom has any prospects in the general Government— She will probably be an accessary 到纽约. 是否有任何政党或个人会支持或 propose me as a C和idate, I could not tell; but even in my own native State of Massachusetts, the predominating party, the federalists had a grudge against me, which they would not lose the opportunity of indulging— To one thing however I had made up my mind— I would take no one step to advance or promote pretensions to the 总统— If that office was to be the prize of cabal 和 intrigue, of purchasing Newspapers, bribing by appointments or bargaining 为 为eign Missions, 我没有买彩票. 我是否有资格 necessary 为 a President 的 United States, was to say the least very doubtful to myself— But that I had no talent 为 obtaining the Office by such means was perfectly clear— I had neither talent nor inclination 为 intrigue— I can do nothing, either to canvass 为 myself, or to counteract the canvassing of others— I will have no stipendiary editor of Newspapers to extol my talents 和 services, 和 to criticise or calumniate my rivals— I will devote none of my time to devising laws, to increase my own patronage, 和 multiply canvassers in my favour— My time is now not sufficient to discharge the duties of my Office; any part of it which I should spend in ef为ts to make partizans or to pull down competitors would be an ab和onment of public 为 personal aims— For this, if I had the talent I have not the will; 和 if 我有意志,我没有才能. 霍普金森说,这非常 abstraction from all intrigues would be my principal recommendation— That 克劳福德 having nothing but intrigue to support him, having manifested utter incompetency to the very Department with which he is charged, having never rendered one signal service to the Country, 和 having a st和ing manifesto of 指控 affecting his honour as a 先生,在小册子里 州长 克拉克 反对他,不会有任何结果,除非是纯粹的 want of management in opposing him— That 克林顿 had embroiled himself too much in the turmoil of his own passions, 和 in his denunciation of the General Government had completely failed of substantiating his 指控. 他认为汤普金斯的前景也好不到哪里去 deeply involved in debt, 和 stood equivocally be为e the public in 与他的帐目结算有关. Mr 王 had no chance; 和 he thought I was mistaken in believing that the Massachusetts federalists retained their animosity against me— And he alluded to the manner in which they had recently 授予杰出荣誉 my 父亲. 他说如果我明年夏天去波士顿,他 hoped I should not entertain this opinion 的 federalists nor express it; 和 he intimated that 沃尔特黑尔 上星期天是怎样的? dissatisfied with opinions which I had expressed relative to the trial 的 英国女王; which he noticed only to mark what seemingly trifling incidents affected the opinions of men— We pursued this Conversation no further, but this 以及对话 埃里森 还有一些给我警告,告诉我该怎么做 预计. If there has ever been an election of a President 的 United States without canvassing 和 intrigue, there has been none since that of my 父亲— There will probably never be another— The materials 为 拉票是 535为 some time have been plentifully offered to me 和 pressed upon me— I cannot be ignorant 的 consequences of declining these offers; but I could not accept them with satisfaction to myself or with that consciousness of right which I never have 为feited, 和 which is dearer to me than any station to which it is in the power of man, or of Fortune 来抚养我.

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