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JQA体系日记,第38卷 十一月七日1830


尼尔·米利根 宗教

7. V:30. 周日.

我的儿子 查尔斯 从 波士顿,和我们一起吃过饭,今晚回来了. 我听到 Mr 惠特尼 约翰福音第3章.20. "凡作恶的都是恨恶 the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be ——下午1点起. 蒂莫西1.17. “现在对国王说, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour 和 glory for 永远. 阿门.“这两篇都是以前的布道——晚上在家里度过 writing; 和 reflecting upon this new incident which has drifted me back again amidst the Breakers of the Political Ocean— It is also a novelty in the history of the Country; 和 as a precedent may have no unimportant bearing upon future Events— By the Constitution of the United States, the President is re-eligible as long as he lives— 华盛顿, 杰佛逊麦迪逊1年后,他自愿退休 re-election—和 杰佛逊 no doubt intended to make the example a practical exposition of Constitutional principle— It was followed by Mr 梦露, perhaps with not much cordiality; 和 will be continued as long as a Presidential Term of eight years shall wear out 担任这个职位的人的受欢迎程度. 其中一个后果是 of this has been 和 will be that Ex President’s will survive many years the termination of their Offices— That as individuals they will take a part in public affairs, 和 that they will sometimes solicit, 和 sometimes be elected to subordinate Offices— All the preceding President’s have held Offices of a public nature, after the expiration of their Presidential Service— None however as a member of either house of Congress; 和 there are many who think it now a derogatory descent— This is a mere prejudice; 和 had I alledged my former Station as a Reason for rejecting the suffrages of the People, assigning me a Seat in the House of Representatives, I should not merely have been chargeable with Arrogance, but should have exposed myself to ridicule. 到目前为止 concerns myself I consider this new Call to the public Service as a misfortune: inasmuch as it takes from me the last hope of an old age of 宁静悠闲. 我仍然会受到政治仇恨的打击 personal malignity; with more than equal chances of losing the favour even of those who now think they honour themselves by their suffrages 比我更重要. 我回到公共生活,在一个下属站是 disagreeable to my family 和 disapproved by some of my friends; though no one of them has expressed that disapprobation to me— For the discharge of the duties of this particular Station I never was eminently qualified; possessing no talent for extemporaneous public speaking; 和 at this time being in the decline of my faculties both of mind 和 body. This event therefore gives me deep concern 和 anxious forebodings. 然而, can I not withhold my grateful acknowledgment to the disposer of human Events, 和 to the People of my native region for this unexpected testimonial of their continued confidence, after all the combinations of personal rivals, 和 political competitors to shake it— [“]The heart knoweth its own bitterness; 和 a Stranger, intermeddleth not with its joys”— No one knows, 和 few conceive the agony of mind that I have suffered from the time that I was made by circumstances, 和 not by my volition a c和idate for the Presidency till I was dismissed from that Station by the failure of my Re-election— They were feelings to be suppressed, 和 they were suppressed—no human being has ever heard me 抱怨——国内灾难远比任何政治灾难严重 disappointment or disaster can possibly be, overtook me immediately after my fall from power, 和 the moment of my distress was seized, by 一个老对手, 29纵容一种满溢的仇恨 with the concentrated rancour of forty years; 和 who could not resist the pleasure of giving me what he thought the finishing blow, at the moment when he saw me down— It seemed as if I was deserted by all mankind, 和 precisely at that time the American Academy of Arts 和 Sciences, a Literary 和 Scientific Institution of my native State, which for a Series of years during my prosperity had annually elected me their President when it was impossible for me to attend their Meetings, thought proper to substitute another President in my place— In the 法国歌剧 理查德。 Coeur de 狮子吟游诗人 他们批判他在监狱的围墙下唱着歌 开始

“Oh! 理查德。! Oh! 我的Roi。 L 'Univers t 'ab和onne.”

when I first heard this Song, forty-five years ago, at one of the first Representations of that delightful play, it made an indelible impression upon my memory, without imagining that I should ever feel its force so 离家更近——1829年. 几乎没有一天不是这样的 bring it to my thoughts— In the course of past Winter a vacancy occurred in the Board of Overseers of Harvard University— Absent, I was very unexpectedly elected to fill that vacancy— I attributed this to the 个人的友谊和影响 总统昆西-但这次召唤我的是 the District in which I reside, to represent them in Congress, has been spontaneous; 和 although counteracted by a double opposition; federalist 和 Jacksonite, I have received nearly three votes in four, 整个地区. 我当选为美国总统 was not half so gratifying to my inmost Soul— No election or appointment conferred upon me ever gave me so much pleasure— I say this to record my Sentiments—but no Stranger intermeddleth with my Joys, 和 the dearest 我的许多朋友都不同情我的感觉.